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Beta Reader & Reviewer Sign-up

Path To Publishing always shares with its authors, students, and clients how important a review campaign is for the success of their book.


As a resource for Path To Publishing authors, students, and clients, we have put together two review teams; Beta Reader Review Team and a Post Publication Review Team. The Post Publication Review Team reviews are similar to consumer reviews. The Beta Reader reviews are more detailed.


The Beta Reader Review Team will be required to comment on specific areas of the book (writing style, dialogue, pacing, story arc, etc.) prior to the book's publication. The Beta Reader Review Team will find any issues with the book before its publication. The Post Publication Review Team will provide the typical consumer review for books that have already been released. Please note, a beta reader is very different from a book reviewer.


Path To Publishing takes beta reviewing very seriously, as the authors who sign up to receive one are expecting more in-depth feedback than the average consumer review. Beta reviews are not designed for basic feedback and one to five star reviews. A beta review campaign is a process authors engage in prior to sending their book to a professional editor, as a true beta review can help the author polish their manuscript to the point where it even saves them on the cost of editing. This is especially crucial for indie authors on a shoestring budget but with a powerful message to share. 


The Path To Publishing Beta Review Team members are committed and dedicated to helping the authors produce their best work by providing them the most detailed constructive feedback possible. Beta reviewers provide more of a tool that a writer can use to tweak and improve their writing rather than a rating. So, please, only serious beta reviewers should apply for the Beta Review Team. The success of our authors' books depend on it.


The vetting process requires interested readers, reviewers, and beta readers to complete a brief survey. We want to make sure we are matching authors with the right beta readers/reviewers, both within and outside of their target audience.


Team members will not receive monetary gifts or honorariums for their reviews, but they will be in a private Path To Publishing group where they will receive free printed books, free audio books, free eBooks and other literary swag.


Please complete the very brief survey below if you are interested in joining one of Path To Publishing's review teams. Also note that prior to being placed on a team, we will request links to past reviews.


Authors, if interested in having the Path To Publishing Beta Reader Team or Post Publication Review Team review your book, please email with the subject line: Request for Book Review.



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