While you are getting your book ready for the world to read, you should also be getting ready for your book. Below are five things you can do to prepare for the success of your book even while its still in the stages of the publishing process.
1. Begin stockpiling topical blogs to be posted on a regular basis once your book is launched
2. Begin stockpiling topical short YouTube videos to be launched on your “network” YouTube page once your book is launched
3. Schedule your media tour or virtual media tour to maximize exposure once your book is launched
4. Compile a series of press releases and press alerts to be used beginning on launch day to enhance awareness and credibility
5. Decide on how many “review copies” and “sale copies” of your book you want printed
a. Identify who you’ll send them to
b. Identify where you’ll sell them (book signings, etc.)
c. Develop a pitch (pre-send) to bloggers, show bookers and other influencers to get them committed to reading and reviewing the book, or interviewing you
d. Don’t be shy about asking them for last-minute promotional blurbs
6. BONUS: Read your galley proofs both carefully and quickly, and get as many “last eyes” as possible to do the same thing
a. Do it fast so you don’t hold up your book’s press run
b. Do it right so your book will come out as close to letter-perfect as is possible