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Creating Winning Partnerships with the Business of Storytelling

Creating stories that motivate the masses to share her message is something that Joylynn M. Ross learned how to do as a national bestselling author and as a ghostwriter for major publishing houses and independent publishers. Now, as the CEO and founder of Path To Publishing – a content creator and literary services provider – she spends her days helping helping businesses and entrepreneurs learn how to do that same thing for their brands and businesses. Businesses and Corporations are an audience Joylynn decided to develop and focus more on for her company after receiving training in the Corporate Ready Program through WRMSDC (Western Regional Minority Supplier Development Council) provided by Blue Wave, and Thrive Point’s BGAP (Business Growth Acceleration Program), also made available through WRMSDC.

The key is to form that heart-to-heart connection most businesses and corporate brands lack. “People want to know who you are, what you do, how you do it, why you do it – and why you care that they get the benefits of your work,” Joylynn explains. “They want to know that the mission, core beliefs, and values statements of the company are more than just words on a page.”

To help businesses and organizations, Joylynn and her team at Path To Publishing have been hired to instruct “The Business of Storytelling” and “BE(ready for) the MEdia” workshops, which is just a small portion of their bigger “Branding & Messaging Clarity Sessions.” It’s during these sessions that Joylynn and her team dive deep into the life-saving, history-shaping, world-changing story behind the formation of the company and its products or services. That gives them a starting point to help the brand share its story in a variety of ways across social media, in their newsletters and blogs, in articles they might write for publication, as well as in video scripts.

The workshops have been beneficial to many, and they can be beneficial to you, your business and organization as well. To learn more about Path To Publishing's division with services and programs geared toward businesses and organizations, Path To Connections, visit


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